BEFORE WE GO (2014) movie review

fa05503ea550f40661581606ee7e7bcf832775daPerusing Netflix recently, I came upon a film that a friend suggested I watch. She knows that I dig a decent, sweet RomCom now and then. I had no idea at first click that I would be watching Chris Evans’s directorial debut. It turns out Captain America can act and direct; Evans stars in it, as does Alice Eve.before-we-goIt may seem like a common, re-run romantic comedy on the outset, but the script is lovely, refreshingly honest, and well acted. I also found the film work unique and thoughtful. It helps that I love New York City. I enjoyed the detail and the color choices, and the ability to continue hearing a conversation while watching the outcome and next steps. We see Eve hang up the phone, dig through her purse for change, hail a cab, etc, all while listening to the end of her phone conversation. Brilliant use of movement and timing on Evans’s part.BeforeWeGo-619-386It’s feels a bit like Before Sunrise (’95) in that it’s the journey of two strangers learning about one another and helping each other conquer their greatest hurdles in just one night in New York City.21_07_15_01_ntsIt reminds us of the bravery it takes to have and build relationships with anyone, to be honest, to be kind. It shows the potential reward for small good deeds because we never know what one bravely kind good deed could lead to.before-we-go-3